ICO Decision On Govt House’s PATI Response

The Information Commissioner issued Decision 21/2022 in regards to the Office of the Governor.

A spokesperson said, “On 23 August 2022, the Information Commissioner issued Decision 21/2022, Office of the Governor [Government House]. This Decision considered Government House’s response to an applicant’s request for a copy of any employment settlement agreement made with the ex-Commissioner of Police.

ICO Decision 21 2022 Summary

“The Information Commissioner found that Government House was justified in its internal review decision to deny access to the requested record, because she was satisfied that the record was created by the Attorney-General’s Chambers in the course of carrying out its constitutional functions, which meant the PATI Act did not apply to it.

“As a result, the Information Commissioner did not require Government House to take any further action with respect to Decision 21/2022. Decision 21/2022 is available on www.ico.bm.”

The full version of Decision 21/2022 follows below [PDF here]:

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